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Life after death essay

Life after death essay

life after death essay

Jan 26,  · Life after death is one of the issues that remain a mystery to human beings. Science does not have a clear basis or theory that supports the idea that there is life after death. The afterlife is a concept that many people have tried to study and find elaborate answers to no avail. Scientists and other scholars have been able to make tremendous The main belief that Catholics have, surrounding life after death is that the soul continues on after death and the soul may either go to heaven, hell or purgatory; the soul goes to either place depending on how the person lived their life on earth and whether it was full of sin or not. “Romans He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in Jun 14,  · Home — Essay Samples — Philosophy — Socrates — Socrates’ Philosophy On The Life After Death This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers

Free Essay about Life after Death | TopDissertations

What happens after we die is a widely debated and relatively unknow topic that has been brought up many times in philosophy. Different theories have been proposed as to what might happen with the body and soul after the person passes away. This also brings along the issue of how one should live their life based on what might happen after we die. There are two things that Socrates says might happen after death. The other scenario would be that after you die the soul actually leaves and migrates to another place. Socrates states this also is positive life after death essay he says, that if when we die our soul leaves our body, it must go somewhere with everyone else that has died. Socrates says that the better option would be the second one, where you migrate to another place.

He says this one is more favorable because if everyone life after death essay died just ended up life after death essay the same place or in an endless sleep it would be rather unrewarding. On the other hand, the better place after death to Socrates would be, if when you died you were taken to another place where you could meet all the wise people and heroes from the past. In Phaedo Socrates presents reincarnation through a series of metaphors. He uses these opposites to say that there is a sort of cyclical theme between the living and the life after death essay and reincarnation.

This cyclical process includes living and then the opposite of that which would be dying. Then he argues that there is a revival or a birth of the dead back into the living world which in turn creates the cyclical nature of reincarnation that he proposes. The body is described as a prison in which the soul is trapped in and must be released. However, if a person lives their life free from the material or bodily joys in life and focus on more fulfilling things to feed the soul they will eventually go to a new realm when they die and not be reincarnated. These three things being; the soul, body, and afterlife, life after death essay. Learning about these three things will teach you about how all of that might be interconnected and affect each other upon your death, life after death essay.

Based on that I am not sure exactly what account of death best fits. I think that I could possibly be any of them. However, if I were to choose I would think the account of death that would be best fit toward Socrates view would be that when you die you go somewhere else. I think that this view fits best because it also plays off the theme of possible reincarnation as discussed above; meaning that I think his view of studying philosophy and learning about death will inevitably teach you about the body and soul and what might happen to them after we die. I think because of the possible relationships between everything like the body and soul, and this world and an afterworld that people will want to try to live the best life they can.

This however, might differ depending on what account of death that you believe in. For example, someone that believes in the first account of death, that when you die it is just endless sleep. This person might not really care about life after death essay their best life free of material or unimportant things. By wasted I think they would mean that you have put yourself through a lot trying to avoid the pleasurable things in life for something possibly even more unfulfilling in death. Therefore, somebody with a view like that will probably live a life full of material things that might make them happy in this life. On the other side if you have someone that believes that when you die something happens to you and you go to another place, they might try to live a careful life.

They would probably try to avoid material things as opposed to the other person. They would also probably try to make sure that they live a life the best they can to try to help others to make sure that their soul life after death essay pure. This difference in mentality about death drastically changes how one would go about living their life. I think that we can take the teachings of philosophy to try to live our lives the best we can, and that there can be a middle ground between the two spectrums. I do, however, think that we should try to live our lives positively and try not to harm others but instead help everyone out as much as you can while trying to also improve yourself.

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Perspectives on Death: Crash Course Philosophy #17

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Socrates’ Philosophy On The Life After Death: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

life after death essay

Thus understood, for some at least, the Bible holds out the prospect of what one author has famously dubbed, “life after ‘life after death’” (N.T. Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God. Christian Origins and the Question of God, Vol. 3 [Minneapolis: Fortress, ], ) The Catholic believers look life after death in a prospective of three different worlds, such as Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise according to the deeds committed during life. If a person during his or her lifetime committed any sins, this person’s next world will be the Hell. The traditional view in which people refer to hell can be found in Jan 01,  · Socrates provides possible ends to post death, whereas Epicurus’ definition is perplex and draws several questions, such as his classification of pleasure and justice. As with most philosophers, Socrates’ views weren’t shy of criticism. Most critics of his work question the idea whether an after-life may even exist

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