Before Implementation the patient must be reassessed, to make nursing process essay an intervention is still needed. eferences Buerhaus, P. Nursing Knowledge Patterns of Knowing in Nursing There is a great abundance of information available to us in the universe. oles and Functions of Nurse Case Manager: In acute care organizations, the roles and functions of the nurse case manager includes coordinating the care provided to… References: Blancett, S. Race relations and caregiving relationships: Nursing process essay qualitative examination of perspectives from residents and nurses aides in three nursing homes, nursing process essay. Identify the stages of the Nursing Process and the skills essential to the Nursing Process. Subjects were chosen from the rheumatology out patient setting in a district general hospital with a drug monitoring service.
Learning Strategies and Methods: Personal Narrative
The purpose of this essay is to discuss the importance of problem solving following the steps of the nursing process, nursing process essay, NP. The nursing process is used to identify, prevent and treat actual or potential health problems, Wilkinson, enabling the nurse to plan care for a patient on an individual basis using. a systematic, step by step approach Palgrave ,supported by models or philosophies such as:The Nursing Process Nursing Essay. Roper - Logan -Teirney, Model of Nursing and Roy's adaptation model. The NP is a method of problem solving therefore I nursing process essay use the term the NP throughout the essay.
Focusing on the four major steps, assessment, nursing process essay, planning, implementation, nursing process essay evaluating. Discussing the importance of continuity of care and why the patients' needs may not be fully met if the NP is not followed. I will also be discussing why critical thinking is important in decision making and problem solving. The NP helps the nurse develop an understanding of the patients, differing from the medical process by treating the patient holistically, nursing process essay. Addressing not only the patients' physical emotional and mental health but also their interests, values, beliefs ethnic religious and cultural background; identifying which of these factors are important to a patients' health Richardson, I will be critically analysing these anticipating complications and commencing actions making sure appropriate treatment is carried out.
All steps should be reassessed on a regular basis. The NP helps form an important therapeutic role in addition to formulating the best care for the patient. The first part of the NP is the assessment; it is an ongoing process helping to identify patient needs, once these needs are established they can be incorporated in to the planning implementation and evaluations stages. Kozier et al To give the patient the best possible care the nurse must always have a specific aim in mind, considering how it applies to the individual patient ensuring that the patient is being cared for as a whole based on their individual needs.
The assessment should be carried out soon after admission within 24 hours if possible. The length of time before reassessment is performed depends on the care setting a patient in Intensive care could be reassessed as much as every 15 minutes. Kobs Ideally the assessment should be continuous, observing and noting changes in the patient's condition and updating accordingly. Most trusts have set criteria in the form of a care plan, nursing process essay, although they may vary between hospitals or even wards in the same hospital, nursing process essay. Richardson, The main disadvantage of the pre printed care plans is that it can be used as a checklist, the nurse only asking closed questions simply ticking the relevant boxes, nursing process essay, not utilising her experience and knowledge.
This inaccuracy could be due to a number of reasons such as the nurse being short on time, or as stated by Nancy Roper 'discussing some of the activities of living such as sexuality can make the nurse feel uncomfortable assuming that the patient feels the same'. On the other hand, the advantages are evident in that they are in line with the original model and create a systematic guide, incorporating all the steps necessary for patient care. If used correctly the assessment process helps the nurse obtain an all round holistic picture of the patient. During the initial interview here are two types of data to collect. Nursing process essay data, which is, observable and measurable, and subjective data which only the patient can describe and explain.
Wilkinson, Both types of data are of equal importance, although it is probably easier to obtain objective data as the patient may feel awkward or embarrassed about discussing certain things and should be encouraged, by asking further open questions. Confidentiality should be emphasised at this point, informing the patient of their right to confidentiality. NMC, The nurse, nursing process essay, explaining to the patient why so much information is needed. Both types of data can be from either a primary or secondary source. Primary data is information that only the patient can give, secondary data can be from the patients' family, or discussions with members of the MDT.
The medical notes, including, previous reports and test results. are also a useful way of obtaining information, saving the patient from unnecessary questioning. It should be mentioned that the NP although important for patient care, is not an interrogation, nursing process essay. Perception and intuition as to the mood or condition of the patient should be observed. If the patient is in pain or unwell, the assessment process should be discontinued, nursing process essay, then completed at a later stage. Essential information can be obtained from the secondary sources mentioned. This is where the nurses' ability to think critically is important. Emerson, states that Critical thinking in nursing is an essential component of professional accountability and quality nursing care Tanner, cited in Emerson p states that many nurse educators are reported to recognize that critical thinking is closely related to the nursing process However the definition of Scheffer and Rubenfield cited in Emerson p sees critical thinking as more than just a cognitive activity, incorporating creativity and intuition It could be argued that both are right the nursing process incorporates both cognitive and affective aspects.
The cognitive approach allows the nurse to call to mind her experience and knowledge, nursing process essay, at the same time using creativity to read between the lines and ask more open questions gaining more information, nursing process essay. The Nursing Process Nursing Essay. Planning is the second stage of the nursing process the phases are interdependent and over lapping therefore the effectiveness of this stage depends on the quality and comprehensiveness of the assessment. Wilkinson, Establishing goals, interventions and outcomes is the aim of the planning stage, nursing process essay. Kozier, et al Planning should begin soon after the initial assessment is carried out, usually by the nurse taking the assessment.
All nurses who care for the patient should take part in the ongoing planning, amending if circumstances change. Although accurate documentation is an essential part of the registered nurse and health care assistants role HCA RCN in many wards HCA provide much of the physical care and may not have not been taught the significance of a care plan and may not report changes, or document correctly. It is important to remember the care plan is important in the continuity of care of the patient and may be referred to by members of the multi disciplinary team MDT, nursing process essay. The planning stage determines the problems and establishes the risks and priorities Wilkinson, The patient should be involved as much as possible in this stage, nursing process essay.
The nurse not making assumptions about the patients problems, needs and abilities but should confer with the patient, giving the patient the opportunity to contribute to their care planning. Although in some cases the nurse may need to utilise her skills and knowledge advising the patient on certain aspects of their health, the patient not relishing the importance of a problem or need. Again sensitivity and empathy are important at this step, not just simply treating interventions as a series of tasks but to nursing process essay the person holistically explaining why the planned interventions are important, nursing process essay.
For example if a person as pressure ulcers, it should be explained why mobility is important also emphasising the importance of good nutrition explaining that referral to a dietician may be necessary. Implementation is the next step involving putting the plan into action. Burns et al The nurse implements the plan of care by initiating planned nursing interventions to achieve patient-centred goals Quan In addition it is the nurse's responsibility to delegate specific tasks to appropriate members of staff Daniels,nursing process essay, ensuring that all the activities have been implemented according to the nursing process essay plan.
It is not necessarily the nurse who initiated the care plan who should be accountable; as all qualified nursing process essay are accountable and must always be able to justify action and omissions NMC, for that reason the nurse caring for the patient, when the task is carried out is responsible, nursing process essay. It is therefore in the nurses' best interests to validate and respond to adverse findings or patients responses. Kozier et al, Not only to protect herself but for the implications to the patients welfare and safety. However other professionals contributing to the care are also accountable. Before Implementation nursing process essay patient must be reassessed, to make sure an intervention is still needed. It would be unfair and unethical to subject a person to unnecessary treatments, referring to other members of the MDT if there is any doubt.
It is central to the nurses' role to understand the rationale behind the intervention, and be up to date with current research, having an understanding of any side effects and contraindications that could put the patient at risk. Kozier et al Looking at the patient as a person not just their medical needs is also a fundamental skill in nursing. Respecting their beliefs and values, when considering interventions, adapting interventions to the patients needs if required. For example a person with pressure ulcers who needs to be turned regularly may ask if they can be left undisturbed when their relatives come to visit, this request must be adhered too if possible.
Obviously all requests aren't as simple and sometimes medical needs or time restraints are a concern. Explaining to the patient that all efforts will be made to comply with their nursing process essay, however it may not nursing process essay possible. Relating to the nursing process essay in this way will show respect for their request, and hopefully they will understand why it isn't always feasible. It is better to nursing process essay this initially, rather than agree with a request knowing that it can't always be honoured. Going nursing process essay on an agreement could damage the nurse nursing process essay relationship causing friction between them.
Evaluation is the fourth step of the NP and is used to determine the effectiveness of the Care plan establishing if outcomes have been met, whether they should be continued or changed Kozier et al Lynda Juall states that, evaluation may be the most difficult stage of the NP. Describing evaluation as a step may be incorrect, since evaluation should be a continues process, mentally taking notes and evaluating throughout the implementation stage. Although the nurse nursing process essay be busy and have more than one patient to attend nursing process essay, it is vital that all observations and actions are documented, so that other nurses and members of the MDT can judge the efficiency of an intervention.
Protecting the patient from procedures that may be ineffective or no longer needed. Wilkinson, It is also important to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant data. At the assessment stage two types of data were gathered. objective data which is easy to assess and interpretate, and subjective data which is more difficult to evaluate especially if a patient has cognitive impairment of any kind. Therefore during evaluation nurses tends to concentrate on objective measurable data, CMFT, All members of the MDT should be consulted including the patient, when decideding if outcomes have been met. It is vital that Nursing process essay leads back to Assessment and the whole process begins again.
Quan, nursing process essay, As stated in the introduction of this essay the NP is a systematic guide to problem solving, involving critical thinking and communication skills, as well as a sound theory and medical based understanding, nursing process essay. If the NP was just a case of ticking boxes it would nursing process essay be a valid way of gaining information relating to patient care, although it would not necessarily solve any problems, only giving a general picture of the patients circumstances. Each patient is an individual and come with their own set of unique problems. Every time the NP is carried out it should be patient centred and related to giving the patient the best possible care.
A problem may not be discovered at any one stage it is only when the whole process is viewed collectively that a problem may be apparent. Each step of the NP depends on the accuracy of the previous step, making sure sufficient accurate data is gathered to support each stage. For the NP to be effective, nursing process essay, reassessing goals and interventions needs to be continuous and ongoing patients needs can change very nursing process essay and the nurse needs to update the priorities when problems arise. For example if a person as pressure ulcers, it should be explained why mobility is important also emphasising the importance of good nutrition explaining that referral to a dietician may be necessary Implementation is the next step involving putting the plan into action.
Quan, As stated in the introduction of this essay the NP is a systematic guide to problem solving, involving critical thinking and communication skills, as well as a sound theory and medical based understanding, nursing process essay. SING UP STAY TUNED! Be the 1st to know about news and updates! Don't have an account? Click here to Sign up. Log in.
first person narrative examples essays
New York, NY: National League for Nursing. Wainwright, P. The art of nursing. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 36, The procedure itself and the hospital stay associated with it is only one small chapter in the patient's life. They will eventually go home and will have many years after the procedure. It is important for the nursing staff to make a positive impact on how they feel about the procedure. The procedure will represent a lasting memory to the patient. If the patient perceives this to be a time of strength and care from nurturing individuals then it will help them to be able to develop the coping mechanisms necessary to learn to live with the after-effects of the procedure.
If the patient sees this as a negative experience, then it could produce unwanted effects such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or other emotional problems that could have an effect on their ability to cope with the life changes. Those that develop appropriate coping mechanisms will be more likely…. References Knoll, N. Coping as a mediator between personality and stress outcomes: A longitudinal study with cataract surgery patients. European Journal of Personality, 19, Lippke, S. Initiation and maintenance of physical exercise: Stage-specific effects of a planning intervention.
Research in Sports Medicine, 12, Behavioral intentions and action plans promote physical exercise: A longitudinal study with orthopedic rehabilitation patients. Stage-specific adoption and maintenance of physical activity: Testing a three-stage model. The stengths of this design ae elated to the ease of application and usage. The design of the suvey was easy to administe and self explanatoy. While the weakness was elated to the willingness of the paticipant to Chapte Thee 5 paticipate complete the suvey and povide tuthful esponses.
An additional weakness is elative to the age goup that was pesent fo the suvey and thei elationship to the use of computes. Subjects Afte appoval of the study fom the Institutional Review Boad at Indiana Wesleyan Univesity and Methodist Hospitals, Inc. Nusing staff wee ecuited to paticipate in fo the study. Paticipants wee eligible fo the study if they wee cuently an employee of the employed by Methodist Hospitals, Inc. A egisteed nuse who has paticipated in…. references Student characteristics for online learning success The Internet and Higher Education, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2nd Quarter , Pages Marcel S.
Kerr, Kimberly Rynearson, Marcus C. Kerr Chapter Three The National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists - The NACNS was founded in , specifically to enhance and promote the unique and high-value contributions that clinical nurses make to the health and well-being of individuals, families, groups, and communities in their particular branch of healthcare. They also have a foundation, scholarship programs, a journal and discussion portal, various levels of conferences, scholarship programs, honors and awards, and the ability for advanced certification.
A Clinical Nurse Specialist is a licensed N who has graduate preparation MA or PhD in nursing specifically as a Clinical Nurse Specialist. This field of healthcare goes beyond the duties of an LPN or N, or even charge nurse, and deals with either advanced levels of clinical specialization, or broader, community and national health concerns. The field requires a rather significant academic bent, and the association is designed to support and enhance that paradigm focus CNS -…. aspx About the ACNM. cfm CNS - Who We Are and What We Do. aspx Kozier, B. Sussman and Bates-Jensen, Assessment data is reported to enable the clear communication among clinicians about the wound and in making the provision for "continuity in the plan of care" as well as allowing for "evaluation of treatment modalities.
Sussman and Bates-Jensen, The wound must be monitored during the healing process since monitoring provides the means of "checking the wound on a regular and frequent basis for "signs and symptoms that should trigger a full reassessment, such as increased wound exudate or bruising of the adjacent or periwound skin. Included in monitoring is the "gross evaluation for signs and symptoms of wound complications, such as erthema change in color or periwound skin and pus, which is indicative of infection. References Aseptic Technique Aseptic Technique. Section G. NHS Foundation Trust. pdf Burney, R. Journal of the American College of Surgeons.
Report from a Wound Academy Expert Forum. Sponsored by the Molnlycke Health Care Wound Academy. September pdf Khan, Y. And Fitzgerald, P. And Walton, M. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. June The study measures public opinion concerning two scenarios: one in which the kidney donor is given a fixed financial compensation; and one in which the donor is provided with health insurance coverage for life. Subjects and Sampling Technique: The subjects will be drawn from amongst nursing professionals working in randomly selected renal specialty facilities and wards. Initial contact will be made by phone with a Director of Nursing at selected facilities requesting participation. Those that agree will receive…. Works Cited: Conesa, C. Attitude of Primary Care Nurses Toward Living Kidney Donation.
Transplantation Proceedings, 37 9 , Kranenburg, L. Public Survey of Financial Incentives for Kidney Donation. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 23 3 , Neyhart, C. Living Anonymous kidney donation: A solution to the organ donor shortage? Nephrology Nursing Journal. Theory of Human Caring: Theory Evolution. University of Colorado at Denver. The dependent variable in the study is the nursing rounds which involves undertaking the prescribed protocols and actions to be taken as well as the frequency of rounds, i. one hour rounding and two hour rounding.
The study aims to see the behavior of the nursing rounds variable when tested against the study's independent variables which are patient's call light use, level of satisfaction, and safety. The title of the article, as readers may notice, effectively points out the dependent and independent variables in the study. In terms of the relationships of the dependent and independent variables, the authors hypothesized that nursing rounds will reduce the call light use negative direction, i. As one variable increases, the other decreases , increase patient satisfaction positive direction, i. one variable increases and so is the other , and improve patient safety positive direction.
For the first hypothesis nursing round and call light use , probability…. References Ebert, J. What Is an Abstract? htm on April 9, Meade, C. M, Bursell, a. Effects of Nursing Rounds on Patient's CallLight Use, Satisfaction, and Safety. AJN, 9 , Nachmias, C. Research Methods in the Social Sciences. London: St. Martin's Press. eferences Kearney, Kathleen M. The Attorney's Duty of Confidentiality: The Nurse Attorney's Dilemma Journal of Nursing Law. Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc. esuggan, ay N;PN;MN. Last Modified: August 17, Singleton, Joanne K. References Kearney, Kathleen M. Resuggan, Ray RN;RPN;MRN. Trail Ross, Mary Ellen. Retrieved September 25, , at. It is thus possible for the institution to retain nurses by strengthening the interpersonal leadership and management skills that lead to empowerment within the healthcare environment.
This is especially supported by studies that found that despite the fact that a nurses' pay is important, it is not as critical in enhancing retention as a positive work place or an empowered environment that promotes teamwork and encourages ongoing learning, trust, and respect. Chan, It must always be remembered that nursing retention is the result of a combination of factors. There is no easy solution, and managers and leaders need to choose the combination of approaches that will be effective in their specific organization, since there is no one range or combination of strategies that will fit all.
eferences Buerhaus, P. Health Affairs Chan, C. References Buerhaus, P. Implications of organizational learning for nursing managers from the cultural, interpersonal and systems thinking perspectives. Nursing Inquiry, 8 3 , Faulkner, J. The effects of structural and psychological empowerment on perceived respect in acute care nurses. Journal of Nursing Management. Kanter, R. Power failure in management circuits. Harvard Business Review, According to the South Carolina Nurse Practice Act, the practice of nursing includes "the provision of services for compensation," and the use of "nursing judgment. It deals directly with practical and mundane matters related to the profession such as monetary reward for the practice of nursing; the different classes of nurses, "commensurate with the educational preparation," and other official areas of interest: "Nursing practice occurs in the state in which the recipient of nursing services is located.
Nursing Definitions Autonomy Autonomy in the nursing profession states the importance of the client's role in making decisions that reflect advocacy for the client Wade, , p. Ultimately, this includes taking care of the patient physically as well as mentally and emotionally, developing a relationship with the patient that is beneficial to his care and actively advocating for the patient's rights and care. This type of autonomy, it is important to note, is not the same as individual or work autonomy, yet it must be considered that empowerment in nursing autonomy will inevitably lead to better professional and personal autonomy and should also lead to increased job satisfaction Wade, , p.
Typical definitions of autonomy would include the idea of complete independence for the person making the decisions. However, in the case of the nursing profession, the client's needs and desires must be heavily weighed and, in fact, become central…. References Cited Wade, G. Professional nurse autonomy: Concept analysis and application to nursing education. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30 2 , Gaylord, N. Nursing advocacy: An ethic of practice. Nursing Ethics, 2 1 , White, L. Foundations of nursing: Second edition. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Learning. Nursing Administration -- Controlling Nursing Admin-Controlling Situation analysis The FOCUS model requires the nursing administrator to find out what the main problem is, obtain information about this problem, communicate effectively with the nurses and patient, understand the needs of the nurses and the patient, and finally summarize these findings for the patient and nurses Dlugacz, In this scenario, the process to be improved is responsiveness and willingness of the nurses to help the patient's situation.
Using the FOCUS model, the nursing leader should identify and clearly define the problem. To do this, they must recognize the role of the patient and the nurses in the situation and prioritize the potential improvements in the process Kreitner, They also need to draft this problem statement in a clear way. The problem statement for this scenario is that the nurses feel inadequate in responding to the situation where the patient needs…. References Dlugacz, Y. Value-Based Health Care: Linking Finance and Quality.
New York: Wiley. Kleespies, P. Behavioral Emergencies: An Evidence-Based Resource for Evaluating and Managing Risk of Suicide, Violence, and Victimization. Washington, D. Kreitner, R. Mason, OH: Houghton Mifflin Company. Zun, L. Behavioral Emergencies for the Emergency Physician. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Nursing Knowledge Patterns of Knowing in Nursing There is a great abundance of information available to us in the universe. Every second, we are bombarded with thousands if not millions of tiny facts arriving through the unbidden working of our sensory organs, each of which is quietly and usually subconsciously processed by the brain; active study engages other parts of our grey matter, and quickly creates a store of facts and associations; and ultimately all information is judged against the framework that is continuously being constructed from previous information.
In addition to these different processes for analyzing, categorizing, and associating information, there are also different types of knowledge, several if not all of them working on subconscious and unconscious levels, that help to inform the way in which the world is perceived and responded to. These are both different subject areas and different ways of viewing the world and receiving…. References Chinn, P. Integrated knowledge development in nursing. Louis: Mosby. Lafferty, P. Milligan, F. Nursing Home eport on Conditions at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust The following report is based on extensive observation of the conditions for patients living at the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust.
While some patients received moderate care, overall, the quality of care in this facility was appalling. All patients -- all people -- deserve to be treated with dignity, and this was far from the case. The conditions were especially distressing given that in general they could be fixed or at least ameliorated relatively easily. Not all of the ills of old age or disability can be remedied, of course. Pain and fear will be present even with the best possible care. Given that this is true, all possible efforts must be made to reduce fear, anxiety, and pain to the greatest degree possible.
The facts that this report is based on were documented by…. References Grant, P. Ethical lessons from the 'undercover nurse': implications for practice and leadership. Medical Ethics Margaret Haywood's diary. Online bulletin. Reasons for the substantive hearing of the Conduct and Competence. Nursing Industry Nursing is one of the most important professions in the world today. It involves not only physical healing, but also healing on a deeper level, where the care giving extends to the patient's environment and relationships to speed the healing process. The nursing environment then often also concerns politics and political involvement. As caregivers who operate in an inclusive environment and relationships, it is often necessary for nurses to be aware of political processes and policies.
In this way, nurses can ensure an optimal environment for their patients and the healing process in general. Des Jardin defines politics as "a means to an end. There are a number of ways in which this can be accomplished. Mainly, the author notes that nurses can affect the development of institutional policies by becoming involved in politics…. References Des Jardin, K. Political involvement in nursing education and empowerment. AORN Journal. The nursing coursework I have taken so far focuses in particular on the second and fifth competencies, regarding information and technology. Courses like anatomy and physiology are fundamental information-gathering classes that provide a firm foundation for aspiring nurses.
Thorough knowledge of the human body, its functions, and its diseases, plus knowledge of medicine are imparted through nursing classes. Furthermore, nursing instructors also demonstrate how technology plays a role in the profession. We use computers to access medical databases, for example. Therefore, the second and fifth competencies are related to one another. In addition to their use as information technology, computers also provide the backbone of almost all electronic medical equipment. Nursing courses also show how sophisticated machines such as CAT scans are implemented in hospitals.
I am particularly weak in particularly those competency areas that the nursing courses cover: information and technology. Regarding resource allocation, interpersonal skills, and systems understanding,…. For example, although many nurses were taught to place infants in the prone sleeping position to prevent aspiration, there is now persuasive evidence that supine back sleeping position decreases the risk for sudden infant death syndrome. According to the primary text, evidence-based practice is particularly important as a way to dissuade against poorly informed or assumption-driven decision-making. here non-evidence-based practice is in place, the risk is higher that error or unwanted health consequences may result from treatment approaches.
By contrast, the use of evidence-base practice provides the nurse with a set of empirically formed guidelines on how to approach each patient. Instinct such as that often relied upon so heavily in non-evidence-based practice, should be integrated with the understanding afforded by comprehensive research. Only then can the practicing nurse apply practical treatment decisions without falling into otherwise discredited customs or…. Works Cited: Polit, D. Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice, 8th ed.
A registered nurse, however, as the title conveys, must be registered as a specific health care professional, within a professional organization, rather than merely possess evidence of having a license, and has passed the necessary coursework to obtain his or her master's in the nursing profession. The LPN's validation documents state that he or she has reached the achievement of mastering all theoretical and nursing skill competencies required of an entry level practical nurse in caring for individuals in any age group. It states that the licensed practical nurse has the sufficient…. Works Cited Carter, Melodie R.
Jun "ABCs of Staffing Decisions. pdf Summary of the LPN Declaratory Ruling. Nursing The Nurse as Learner and Teacher Nursing is truly a lifelong study. While in school, a future nurse learns the tactics and the theory of the profession, and while in practice, he or she learns the social part of the profession, including interaction with patients, and difficulties relating to the workplace, and how to solve the latter. Due to these reasons, nursing is not a "one track" career, and involves constant adaptation and learning. Yet nurses are also teachers, and they fulfill that role every day, from the very first time that they step into the workplace.
This paper will aim to present the nurse as both a learner and a teacher, and relate this to personal learning abilities. From a new graduate to chief nurse, an individual embarking upon this career may very well see it in stages, but what is certain is that a nurse is often…. References: Greer, A. Learner-centered characteristics of nurse educators. International journal of nursing education scholarship. Kelly, C. Student's perceptions of effective clinical teaching revisited. Thompson Rivers University. Retrieved from. Advance Web. Retrieved October 1, from. Nursing profession is among the oldest in history. Currently, there is much debate that surrounds the profession because of the need for more trained nurses.
In recent years the nursing shortage has become a major problem for the medical profession and has resulted in poor patient care and slower patient recover. The purpose of this discussion is to provide an in depth examination of the nursing profession. We will discuss the current state of the nursing profession, including the causes for the shortage and the solution. We will also explore the status of the nursing profession in Australia. Let us begin our discussion by providing a comprehensive definition of what is means to be a nurse. Definition of a nurse According to the American Heritage Dictionary, a nurse is defined as " a person trained to care for the sick or disabled under the supervision of a physician.
References American Heritage Dictionary. A www. Starch on the collar and sweat on the brow: self sacrifice and the status of work for nurses. FCER Points Out Error to erck; erck Confirms Change" This commentary illustrates the issue of problematic wording within the medical community. A Doctor of Chiropractic expressed concern to the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research over improper phrasing written in the erck anual. The bothersome statement written in the erck anual was thought to have originated from medical data derived over 30 years ago. This article points the importance of knowing one's own specialty, and having a thorough knowledge of medical terminology so as to correct and prevent medical mishaps.
ackechnie C, Simpson, R "Traceable Calibration for Blood Pressure and Temperature onitoring" Nursing Standard 21, 11, : Correct diagnosis and monitoring largely depend on accurate pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and body temperature measurements. any measurement errors can be minimized by confirming that instruments are calibrated. This article emphasizes to need for instruments to be traceably calibrated to national…. Mackechnie C, Simpson, R "Traceable Calibration for Blood Pressure and Temperature Monitoring" Nursing Standard 21, 11, : Correct diagnosis and monitoring largely depend on accurate pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and body temperature measurements. Many measurement errors can be minimized by confirming that instruments are calibrated.
This article emphasizes to need for instruments to be traceably calibrated to national standards. Nurses are responsible for taking measurements, so it is imperative that nurses be aware of the issues of measurement precision. Unreliable instruments due to lack of traceable calibration can lead to inaccurate measurements resulting in misdiagnosis and poor patient care. Nursing Sills Grayce Sills and Nursing Leadership Brief Biography: Grayce Sills dedicated her life's work to improving conditions for psychiatric health patients, both through reforms in the area of psychiatric nursing and through education of future generations of nurses.
During the era succeeding orld ar II, the psychiatric nursing profession was making its first forays into mainstream treatment orientation. Grayce Sills would emerge into the profession during this time and, in the late s and s, would observe that the conditions to which psychiatric patients were often treated at this juncture were abhorrent, inhumane and inconsistent with the standards otherwise sought in general patient treatment. As a student of Hildegard Peplau, whom she refers to as the mother of psychiatric nursing, Sills would come to appreciate the need for greater demonstration of caring and compassion in this subsection of the nursing profession. Barker, p. Works Cited: Barker, P. The Philosophy and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Fitzpatrick, J. Giving Through Teaching: How Nurse Educators Are Changing the World. Springer Publishing Company. Houser, B. Pivotal Moments in Nursing: Leaders Who Changed the Path of a Profession. Sigma Theta Tau International; 1st edition. Murray, A. Nursing Fatigue and Compassion as Functions of Ethical Nursing The American Nursing Association's Scope and Standards of Practice are designed to provide a blueprint for preempting and addressing the various challenges, pitfalls and procedurals norms of the profession. These help to draw a professional, ethical and practical connection that offers a basic outline for that which is expected of the registered nurse. Indeed, it is of critical benefit to the nursing professional and to the patient community that there exist some clearly elaborated set of ethical standards that pertains directly to sometimes difficult to identify challenges such as bedside manner and fatigue.
The American Nursing Association ANA provides just such standards, and these function to significantly aid in the decision-making, workplace culture and treatment processes undertaken by nurse professionals. Ethical orientation is an important feature of a nursing team, particularly as it impacts the morale of nurses and the treatment…. Works Cited: AIPPG. Betty Neuman's System Model. Nursing Theories. American Nursing Association ANA. Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice. Nursing Mentor Scenario Introduction- Just as the theoretical and practical backgrounds of nursing have changed over the past several decades, so has the nursing education environment itself. Students now entering the field are diverse in culture, educational background, and most especially age and experience.
Traditional undergraduates coming directly from High School or Junior College often interact with more mature and experienced students. In addition, nursing instructors remain challenged to recognize different learning needs and styles, and respect that adaptive scenarios might be necessary to further the learning opportunities for many students. e thus see that the most effective way of teaching in the modern nursing classroom is to adjust one's pedagogical paradigm outward and to actively find new and innovative ways of reaching each student, rather than expecting each student to completely bend to the tried and true curriculum of previous generations Young, L.
Works Cited Bradshaw, M. Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Bulman, C. And Schutz, S. This defines them as unique professionals judged by their knowledge and not simply by their hands on skills. It also develops the basis for care planning and forms the remainder of the whole process, making it a crucial stage Nazarko Assessment consists of a number of skills for example, communication, observation and critical thinking. Communication is an essential skill for nursing particularly in relation to the Multidisciplinary team and patient rapport.
Communication quality, determines the outcome of care, patient wellbeing, and effective therapeutic partnerships Boscart Both verbal and non-verbal communication is fundamental in nursing which in turn affects pati middle of paper Potter, P. Fundamentals of nursing 6th ed. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc. Rohrer, J. Comparing diverse health promotion programs using overall self-rated health as a common metric. Population Health Management, 13 2 , doi: Home Page The Nursing Process. The Nursing Process Powerful Essays. Open Document.
Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The nursing process is one of the most fundamental yet crucial aspects of the nursing profession. It guides patient care in a manner that creates an effective, safe, and health promoting process. The purpose and focus of this assessment paper is to detail the core aspects of the nursing process and creating nursing diagnoses for patients in a formal paper. The nursing process is a broad assessment tool that can be applied to every patient but results in an individualized care plan tailored to the most important needs of the patient.
The nursing process prioritizes care, creates safety checks so that essential assessments are not missing, and creates an organized routine, allowing nurses to be both efficient and responsible. The nursing process is based upon five steps. The first step is the assessment phase; this can range from body system specific to head-to-toe assessment. These assessments are both subjective and objective and must be properly documented, organized and validated Taylor et al, The second phase of the nursing process is formulating a diagnosis.
Then comes the planning phase where the nurse organizes the interventions by priority based upon the assessments and creates a plan for the patient to work on his hopefulness and mood. strives for a positive outlook each day with his wife by his side and noted that coping mechanisms are important to help his healing process. On time delivery: On time delivery: does not matter whenever you come to us for the essay. We have the expertise to tackle urgent orders. Totally free revisions: we make every work to meet your expectations by providing free revision sessions. You might edit the nursing process essay according to your requirements, and that is at no cost.
Cash back guarantee: Cash back guarantee: in case of unsatisfactory work you might ask for your cash back. We take every step to reduce your danger and attain satisfaction. Do not wait and place an order today to avail the very best cost. You might contact us anytime. Our representatives will get back to you with all the details you require. NURSING PROCESS ESSAY Process essay is a task in which students try to clarify how to do something or the procedure through which something occurs or requires place.
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