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Physical punishment of children essay

Physical punishment of children essay

Research shows that there is an ongoing debate over corporal punishment and non-physical disciplinary measures for children. Corporal punishment can range from a simple spanking to a tapping of the hand. Does home visiting prevent childhood injury? StudyCorgi Sociology. Words: - Pages: 4, physical punishment of children essay. It is used in the judicial system but only under extreme circumstances and under strict guidelines


This paper summarizes the systematic learning about the different aspects in regard to aggression and violence towards children. Physical assault as a means of punishment to children in the family and in other circumstances is now looked down as being a practice that is very harmful for the long-term development of the child. This paper will also delve into the issues as related to the claimed permissibility for meting physical punishment of children essay punishment to children by way of milder means of punishment in keeping with the traditional methods to bring about discipline in them.

There is now a worldwide consensus that child abuse by way of physical and psychological means is an abhorrent practice and that sincere efforts have to be made in putting an end to such practices. Some actions against children such as spanking are accepted in some cultures but not tolerated in others Benjet, C. E, Other forms of physical abuse such as forced confinement and restraint in a room are also considered by some as being legitimate methods of punishing children while they are not accepted in other societies Guterman, N. B, Agencies such as the United Nations can play a vital physical punishment of children essay in this regard, and the UN has taken initiatives by emphasizing on scientific inputs and other perceptions in regard to the punishment of children.

Keeping in mind the given perspectives in regard to child abuse in the context of physical punishment, this paper will examine the pros and cons of different programs to prevent abuse of children by way of any kind of physical punishment of children essay or psychological punishment to them. The implications that combine the strength of advocacy and science will be considered with reference to the scientific evidence as related to physical discipline amongst children in the school and family Patterson, G. A, This paper will also examine the methods to reduce physical punishment to children and the different ways in which physical discipline amongst children can be brought about in the family and school settings. There is need to have knowledge regarding the physical punishment of children essay facts as related to the extent of child abuse prevalent in this regard in different societies, regions and countries.

There is also need to ascertain and determine as to what is acceptable as a logical and humane means of punishment to children so that they remain in discipline. Whenever there is a lack of consensus about the desired objectives, scientific methods can be used to get information and to evaluate the best possible means to achieve a situation whereby physical child abuse is reduced. If a scientific evaluation of the programs and policies is done, traditional means of imparting physical discipline can be reduced by formulating action plans to address both view points Petrosino, physical punishment of children essay, A et al, According to Chaffin and Friedrich there have been innumerable scientific reviews aimed at ascertaining the extent of success of different programs in preventing punishment to children.

There are certain programs that use home visits to associate parents and community support services to educate them about parental responsibilities Roberts, I. All programs in this regard are implemented because children, like all humans have the right to be respected for their physical and human dignity, physical punishment of children essay, which is now widely recognized as a human rights law. It is fully established that corporal punishment of children violates the given laws in this regard. Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child makes it obligatory for states to guard children against any kind of mental or physical violence while they are under the caring of their parents or any other persons.

Article 37 requires that children should not be made to undergo any kind of cruelty or torture by way of degrading and inhuman treatment as punishment, wherever they may be. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child monitors such implementation and ensures that there is prohibition by law of all kinds of punishment to children at any place including juvenile centers, schools and family settings Straus, M. Physical punishment to children leads to serious consequences in terms of physical injury and hurt and has serious adverse consequences on the psychological state of the child which also adversely impacts society at large. A number of research studies have concluded that children feel similarly about the negative effects of forced discipline resulting from physical punishment to them.

Children from all over the world have expressed resentment over the practice of being made to undergo physical punishment by parents and teachers, which invariably leads to their feeling demoralized and having feelings of sadness, pain and fear Polaha, J. Under such circumstances they suffer from lack of confidence. They develop tendencies to run away from home, feel lonesome, do not feel like talking or eating, they feel guilty and become indifferent. There is increasing tendency amongst such children to develop hate and in acute cases they would want to commit suicide, or to even hurt and injure others Paolucci, E.

Children have the right to get protected against all kinds of physical punishment to them. The question is not of how effective the disciplinary action against corporal punishment proves to become in preventing such instances, but it is more pertinent to recognize that such forms of punishment breach the right of the child in getting the due respect for his physical integrity and human dignity. It is essential for the child to be developed in keeping with approaches of non violence, participation and positive development Lansford, J. E et al, Benjet, C. Spanking children: The controversies, findings, and new directions.

Clinical Psychology Review, 23, physical punishment of children essay, Guterman, N. Early prevention of physical child abuse and neglect: Existing evidence and future directions. Child Maltreatment, 2, Lansford, J. Ethnic differences in the link between physical discipline and later adolescent externalizing behaviors. Paolucci, E. A meta-analysis of the published research on the affective, cognitive, and behavioral effects of corporal punishment. Journal of Psychology, Patterson, G. Recent developments in our understanding of parenting:. Handbook of parenting: Vol. Practical issues in parenting 2nd ed. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Petrosino, A. Well-meaning programs can physical punishment of children essay harmful effects!

Lessons from experiments of programs such as Scared Straight. Polaha, J. Physical discipline and child Behavior problems: A study of ethnic group differences. Parenting: Science and Practice, 4, Roberts, I. Does home visiting prevent childhood injury? A Systematic review of randomised controlled trials. BMJ: British Medical Journal,physical punishment of children essay, Straus, M. Beating the devil out of them: Corporal punishment in American families and its effects on children 2nd ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. Physical Punishment for Children, physical punishment of children essay. This paper was physical punishment of children essay and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies.

You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. Physical punishment of children essay Sociology. Introduction This paper summarizes the systematic learning about the different aspects in regard to aggression and violence towards children. Learn More. We will write a custom essays specifically for you! Influence of Video Games the Attitude of Aggressiveness Among Children. Cite this paper Select style. Select citation styles APA-6 APA-7 MLA-8 Chicago N-B Chicago A-D Harvard. Reference StudyCorgi. Work Cited "Physical Punishment for Children. Bibliography StudyCorgi.

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Whenever there is a lack of consensus about the desired objectives, scientific methods can be used to get information and to evaluate the best possible means to achieve a situation whereby physical child abuse is reduced. If a scientific evaluation of the programs and policies is done, traditional means of imparting physical discipline can be reduced by formulating action plans to address both view points Petrosino, A et al, According to Chaffin and Friedrich there have been innumerable scientific reviews aimed at ascertaining the extent of success of different programs in preventing punishment to children. There are certain programs that use home visits to associate parents and community support services to educate them about parental responsibilities Roberts, I.

All programs in this regard are implemented because children, like all humans have the right to be respected for their physical and human dignity, which is now widely recognized as a human rights law. It is fully established that corporal punishment of children violates the given laws in this regard. Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child makes it obligatory for states to guard children against any kind of mental or physical violence while they are under the caring of their parents or any other persons. Article 37 requires that children should not be made to undergo any kind of cruelty or torture by way of degrading and inhuman treatment as punishment, wherever they may be.

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child monitors such implementation and ensures that there is prohibition by law of all kinds of punishment to children at any place including juvenile centers, schools and family settings Straus, M. Physical punishment to children leads to serious consequences in terms of physical injury and hurt and has serious adverse consequences on the psychological state of the child which also adversely impacts society at large. A number of research studies have concluded that children feel similarly about the negative effects of forced discipline resulting from physical punishment to them. Children from all over the world have expressed resentment over the practice of being made to undergo physical punishment by parents and teachers, which invariably leads to their feeling demoralized and having feelings of sadness, pain and fear Polaha, J.

Under such circumstances they suffer from lack of confidence. They develop tendencies to run away from home, feel lonesome, do not feel like talking or eating, they feel guilty and become indifferent,. There is increasing tendency amongst such children to develop hate and in acute cases they would want to commit suicide, or to even hurt and injure others Paolucci, E. Children have the right to get protected against all kinds of physical punishment to them. The question is not of how effective the disciplinary action against corporal punishment proves to become in preventing such instances, but it is more pertinent to recognize that such forms of punishment breach the right of the child in getting the due respect for his physical integrity and human dignity.

It is essential for the child to be developed in keeping with approaches of non violence, participation and positive development Lansford, J. E et al, Benjet, C. Spanking children: The controversies, findings, and new directions. Clinical Psychology Review, 23, Guterman, N. Early prevention of physical child abuse and neglect: Existing evidence and future directions. Child Maltreatment, 2, Lansford, J. Ethnic differences in the link between physical discipline and later adolescent externalizing behaviors. Paolucci, E. A meta-analysis of the published research on the affective, cognitive, and behavioral effects of corporal punishment.

Journal of Psychology, , Patterson, G. Recent developments in our understanding of parenting:. Handbook of parenting: Vol. Practical issues in parenting 2nd ed. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Petrosino, A. Well-meaning programs can have harmful effects! Lessons from experiments of programs such as Scared Straight. Polaha, J. Physical discipline and child Behavior problems: A study of ethnic group differences. Emotional abuse can be humiliating in front of your friends, other people controlling their every day move. pushing a child so much in things that they don 't want to do, not allowing them to have friends or even choosing their friends for them.

A child needs to feel safe having his friends that they can trust not friends that they choice for them. This idea usually arises in the situation when children are forced to share toys or do a certain task that they wish not to do. Aggression is a common problem within many children and that if the problem is not addressed early on then it would continue through adolescence and later on in life. Home Page Physical Punishment. Physical Punishment Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Physical punishment has been a problem in hitting their children so they can have discipline or not hitting them because it is not right, so what can parents do and what can they not do? Should the parents hit them to learn discipline, or should they not hit them and figure out another way to make them learn what discipline is?

Because many parents do not know or are confused in showing their children how to gain discipline they do not know whether to hit them or not to hit them. Many people think that by hitting their children that they are showing them violence but other people say that if you do the children would understand that they did something wrong and would not repeat it and gain discipline. What can parents do? First of all parents feel that the children are theirs, and they can spank them when they misbehave. There are many factors that lead to physical punishment: parents were to young and not ready for children, parents are going trough a divorce and need to take out their anger on something or someone, or parents do not know another way to punish their children.

These children grow up to be aggressive and often abusive towards others. Although parents think this is the only way of educating their children there are many other alternatives. There are other alternatives to punishing the children for their bad behavior. Less severe punishments besides spanking. First, they can take away their television privileges, computer use, and playing outside with their friends. Next, they could ground them for the weekend and cancel plans. Last of all parents could take the time to sit and talk to their children about their bad behavior. Physical punishment may cause a child psychological problems. First, if the physical punishment starts at an early age the child will be used to being physically punished, therefore, his or hers self-esteem may severely negative as he or she grows up.

Second, it is a life-affecting act to physically punish a child because they will be traumatized. Eventually parents should think twice before they can physically punish their children. What they should think of is what problems they are causing the child in its life. In conclusion every parent must take consideration that the negative affects that spanking may cause a child. Get Access. Best Essays. Striking a Child with an Open Hand on the Buttocks Words 4 Pages 10 Works Cited. Striking a Child with an Open Hand on the Buttocks.

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