Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Essay on economic development

Essay on economic development

Modern economic growth has resulted a fall in the domination of sole trading small farms, essay on economic development. The extent and pace of inter-sectoral transfer of work force depend very much on the rate of increase in productivity in the primary sector in relation to other sectors. Another major problem faced by these nations essay on economic development that the wages are extremely poor. This has created the mistrust between the two sectors as the economist are not welcomed in environmental circle when it comes to issues important that are important to many. The first president of Kenya was Mzee Jomo who was elected in

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Environmental performance is a very important concern around the world since the environment is perceived as an input of production. Environment could be made of the natural and geographical infrastructure that can influence economic growth and economic development. However, the spread of human resources is not evenly distributed among the continents. The development of the develop countries is highly contributed by the available resources and thus a developed economy. The poor or the third world developing countries, however, are always hit the earliest and the hardest by unexpected essay on economic development such as climatic changes and thus their economic development falls.

This therefore implies that the environmental quality strongly affects and is as well affected by economic development. As such, the natural environment plays a major role in the economy as it acts as a direct input into production through the many resources it offers such as minerals and fossil fuel which directly facilitate production of good and services thus building the relationship between the environment and the economy. An environment can therefore be defined as the natural world in which we live that is made up of people, animals and plants, essay on economic development. It is the geographical area that affect and is affected by human practices. On the other hand, economy would mean the state of a given geographical area in terms of production and consumption of goods and services together with the supply of money.

In general, it can be termed as all the available natural resources. The development of a continent is contributed by the economic growth which also depends on the environment. Development is thus defined as a new improved energetic balance between the human relation and systems of land use environmentmanufacturing, employment, consumption and supply which aim at the best use of physical and socio-economic resources Todaro et al, Development is thus the actual change that is facilitated by the resourceful use of resources.

Environment and economy are linked together for economic development. Environment and economy have direct effect on each other. Economic development depends on production essay on economic development consumption of resources which are sourced from the environment. Production depends on the environment for the following; for the supply of natural resources, as a provider of environmental or facility goods and its volume as a waste sink Katsoulakos et al, The environment offers natural resources that could be categorized as renewable or non- renewable. Enlightened countries are concerned with the green economy and the blue economy which are well-suited with the environment and the idea of sustainable environment. Blue economy contain rivers, seas and various marine resources while the green essay on economic development emphases on the uses of various industries, renewable energy, solar and wind.

However, industries are destructive to the environment, essay on economic development. To begin with, the environment acts as a supplier of resource input for production and consumption. The environmental resources are used in production of goods and services for use by the consumer. The goods and services obtained from production are therefore used by the people who form part of the environment, essay on economic development. The availability of natural resources therefore determines the level of production which is the determinant factor of economic well-being and improve quality of the community. Economic benefit is increased by utility of the goods that are derived from the consumption of from the essay on economic development. The environment offers universal services such as climatic control that is trees that take in carbon dioxide and provide oxygen for lives.

This clearly indicate a clear relationship between the environment and the economy as people get to enjoy the biodiversity that exist in the world, essay on economic development. On the other hand, environment stimulates production and consumption by assimilating the unused products of production and converting them into harmless or useful ecological products Todaro et al, However, intentional release of waste products or damaging products to the environment because the physical assimilation capacity vary due to physical factors such as climate, rain, wind forms and the topographical location.

Most of the economic practices however, have adverse effects essay on economic development the environment. For example, reduced or exhausted natural capital resources in the environment is contributed by the use of natural resources in production Todaro et al, This may lead to environmental pollution or environmental degradation. The act of trying to save the environment will thus lead to the decline of the economic development. Economic practices however contribute to environmental pollution. The environmental degradation lead to slow rate of economic development as it levies high costs on developing countries through health-related expenditures and the condensed productivity of resources Todaro et al, For example, essay on economic development, the degradation leads to failing of agricultural practices leading to decreased per capita food essay on economic development because of the population pressure on marginal land.

The result is as well the reduced economic development. Pollution of water lead to lack of access to sanitation and clean water which affects the health of the poor due to the infectious diseases worldwide. Generally, environmental essay on economic development promotes damages that hinder the process of economic development. It leads to low production on economically exploited resources as the resources that would be available for production are scarce. Pollution lead to the high cost of using the natural resources for example water pollution calls for treatment which require a lot of expenses. The process of restoring back the environment after the degradation is costly Todaro, High cost is used in reducing and remedying the damages of pollution.

Advancement in technology also contribute to increased costs resulting from the loss of raw materials and the energy resources. The undeniable relationship between economic growth and development produces significant increase in interactions between development and environment. Through the environment, economic growth through production of goods and services within the economy lead to development. Development thus relies on how the available natural resources are being used. Civilization of a given continent would rely on the advantages and disadvantages of its environment Katsoulakos et al, However, the rise of pollution and irrational use of natural resources coincide with invigoration of environmental movements.

Due to the global concern that has arose because of the intensifying difference between the developed and the developing world countries, leaders concerned essay on economic development to come up with new development ideas that essay on economic development not only concerned with the economy but also the protection of the environment. A sustainable development mainly consists of economic, social and environmental development. Sustainable development aptitudes economic growth from its old sense of increase of per capita income in concurrence with decrease essay on economic development poverty and social disparities and on condition that natural resources will not be exhausted Katsoulakos et al, Minimizing of the environmental impacts such as environmental degradation and pollution lead to furthering of the Gross Domestic Product GDP which acts as the overall measure of the domestic production.

Kuznets curve has been created to give the representation of the of the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality. The Kuznets curve has it that the as the GDP rises, essay on economic development, the environmental degradation also increases and beyond certain point the increase in GDP leads to reduction in environmental deterioration. For example, where the income is low, pollution is considerable while at certain point level of income individual begin to consider the trade-off between environmental superiority and consumption, essay on economic development.

After a certain point then, the spending on decline dominates as individuals prefer enhancements in environment quality over further consumption and environmental superiority starts to progress in conjunction with economic growth. Below is essay on economic development Environmental Kuznets Curve which show the relationship between various pointers of environmental degradation and per capita income. Environmental crisis that are either predictable or unexpected have greatly been influenced by economic production. However, the poor countries are affected more by such crisis as compared to the developed countries which have new advanced technologies which enables them to curb such crises from occurring or reducing them Todaro et al, Production sector contribute to such environmental crises through pollution and environmental degradation, essay on economic development.

The main effect of environmental pollution is change of climate. As predicted by the climate models, most middle east countries are likely to suffer in future due to climate changes. Global warming which is contributed by the destruction of the ozone layer has caused great climate changes. Global warming is due to the pollution of the atmosphere through the greenhouse effects and emission of harmful products the atmosphere Todaro et al, It leads to desertification that has made the land degraded and not suitable for living as well as the destruction of human resources hence limiting production. In the end, climate changes would have adverse effects to the economy. Environmental pollution lead to degradation of air and water. The main cause of polluted water as terrestrial run-off to in-shore water that occurs in many coastal locations.

Degraded air is because of air pollution by emission of harmful gasses of the economic system to the atmosphere Todaro et al, Such gasses affect the health of individual as it ruins the fresh air that is needed for life. Polluted water will therefore, mean scarcity of fresh water which then contribute to the health problems because of inadequate sanitation and water shortages. Deforestation is another factor that has contributed to the environmental crisis. It involves cutting essay on economic development of trees without replacing them planting. Deforestation destroys the home of wild animals as well as destroying the dependents that exist in the environment Todaro et al, Animals would depend on plants for clean air and assimilation of the harmful waste products but with absence of forest, it would negatively affect the environment.

Felling of trees with the aim of acquiring natural resources as well contribute to climate changes such as no rains and land degradation through soil erosion. With change in climate, there is failure in farming productivity and reduced per capita food production leading to hunger because of the population pressure of marginal land. Furthermore, the lives of many plants and animals have been threatened to extinction due to spread of diseases caused by environmental crises. This is termed as bio adversity where animals and plants are subject to the conditions that they cannot sustain life. For example, depositing of harmful waste products to water which gives threats to marine life. Some harmful waste products affect the soil hence influencing growth of some species.

This as well could cause health effects to the consumers of the farm products. Another environmental crisis is stimulated by urbanization. Social and environmental factors such as overcrowding, congestion, pollution, public health issues, inadequate sanitation affect the environment Katsoulakos et al, Pollution growth in the rural areas has force many people to migrate to urban areas where they cause congestion due to increased number of people, essay on economic development. Regions with high populations are associated with poor and polluted environment. Rapid population growth and expanding economic activities damages the environment unless measures are put in place to mitigate its negative effects. Third world countries face more poverty compared to the developed countries.

However, the poor are likely to suffer more from environmental crisis caused by economic activities Todaro et al, Land degradation from production would therefore mean that the poor have no choice than to live on the degraded unproductive land that is left. Moreover, the poor have no power to reduce pollution on where they live and by living on polluted land they have less land to work out of their poverty. The only way out to help the poor in this case is to prevent environmental degradation. Solving environmental degradation means having sustainable environment, essay on economic development.

Several measures can be put in place to solve to ensure environmental sustainability. There is therefore a need to protect the environment so as to maintain its relationship with the economy. The first measure is the use of SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals which include climate, ocean, land, and responsible consumption and production and many more Katsoulakos et al,

product life cycle essay

While many economic experts refer to the emergence of the Chinese economy as a miracle, some researchers argue that the rise of the Chinese economy is mainly due to abundant, inexpensive labor, which has been identified as the central mechanism for its success. The country has expanded about four times faster than the US in terms of per capita output. This has enabled China to close the relative disparity in citizen living standards, as evidenced by historical statistics and facts. For all of this to happen, China needs to generate significant revenue from its worldwide trade. Between and , the country is the top exporter and the second-largest importer of products, contributing to global GDP growth ranging from 25 to 39 percent. This means that hundreds of millions fewer people live in poverty in China.

According to Todaro and Smith , these countries include Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. During a period of significant growth in global trade, these countries primarily relied on export-oriented industrialization policies. This was also aided by the cheap labor provided by rural Chinese citizens. Furthermore, when investors rushed to the Chinese market, the government played an essential role in ensuring that China grew economically and entered the global market. The Chinese government enacted a policy requiring potential investors to cooperate with public and private Chinese businesses, make significant technological transfers, use local content, and make several other concessions to operate in the Chinese. China has learned from its mistakes, and one of the historical mistakes China made after the Communist revolution in was the centralization of production and distribution of agricultural inputs, which resulted in the deaths of over 20 million Chinese during the mid-twentieth-century great famine.

All of these blunders served as a reminder to the Chinese that it was critical to invest in education and, in particular, to improve the higher educational skills of manufacturing workers. Japan is one example of a country that had the same impetus as China but failed to fulfill its ambitions. Japan was the fastest expanding economy in the postwar era, popularly known as the Japanese economic miracle. Even though worker productivity remained high, the economy began to suffer in the early s due to a low labor force. According to Cui et al. The working-age population in China has decreased, as illustrated by Cui et al.

However, this is not news, since the same situation occurred in , when China had a labor shortage in both manufacturing and industrial centers of the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze, and River Delta, which later spread to many provinces throughout the country Banister et al. Since the economic reform, China has worked harder than any other country to reduce the rate of poverty, with a bigger percentage of its citizens living below the poverty line. However, as in other developing countries, the remaining impoverished people, who number in the millions, face extreme poverty, which leads to additional issues such as loss of security, corruption such as land grabbing by strong government officials, and average salary disparities.

Banister, J. China, economic development and mortality decline. World development , 33 1 , This clearly indicate a clear relationship between the environment and the economy as people get to enjoy the biodiversity that exist in the world. On the other hand, environment stimulates production and consumption by assimilating the unused products of production and converting them into harmless or useful ecological products Todaro et al, However, intentional release of waste products or damaging products to the environment because the physical assimilation capacity vary due to physical factors such as climate, rain, wind forms and the topographical location.

Most of the economic practices however, have adverse effects on the environment. For example, reduced or exhausted natural capital resources in the environment is contributed by the use of natural resources in production Todaro et al, This may lead to environmental pollution or environmental degradation. The act of trying to save the environment will thus lead to the decline of the economic development. Economic practices however contribute to environmental pollution. The environmental degradation lead to slow rate of economic development as it levies high costs on developing countries through health-related expenditures and the condensed productivity of resources Todaro et al, For example, the degradation leads to failing of agricultural practices leading to decreased per capita food production because of the population pressure on marginal land.

The result is as well the reduced economic development. Pollution of water lead to lack of access to sanitation and clean water which affects the health of the poor due to the infectious diseases worldwide. Generally, environmental pollution promotes damages that hinder the process of economic development. It leads to low production on economically exploited resources as the resources that would be available for production are scarce. Pollution lead to the high cost of using the natural resources for example water pollution calls for treatment which require a lot of expenses. The process of restoring back the environment after the degradation is costly Todaro, High cost is used in reducing and remedying the damages of pollution.

Advancement in technology also contribute to increased costs resulting from the loss of raw materials and the energy resources. The undeniable relationship between economic growth and development produces significant increase in interactions between development and environment. Through the environment, economic growth through production of goods and services within the economy lead to development. Development thus relies on how the available natural resources are being used. Civilization of a given continent would rely on the advantages and disadvantages of its environment Katsoulakos et al, However, the rise of pollution and irrational use of natural resources coincide with invigoration of environmental movements.

Due to the global concern that has arose because of the intensifying difference between the developed and the developing world countries, leaders concerned have to come up with new development ideas that are not only concerned with the economy but also the protection of the environment. A sustainable development mainly consists of economic, social and environmental development. Sustainable development aptitudes economic growth from its old sense of increase of per capita income in concurrence with decrease of poverty and social disparities and on condition that natural resources will not be exhausted Katsoulakos et al, Minimizing of the environmental impacts such as environmental degradation and pollution lead to furthering of the Gross Domestic Product GDP which acts as the overall measure of the domestic production.

Kuznets curve has been created to give the representation of the of the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality. The Kuznets curve has it that the as the GDP rises, the environmental degradation also increases and beyond certain point the increase in GDP leads to reduction in environmental deterioration. For example, where the income is low, pollution is considerable while at certain point level of income individual begin to consider the trade-off between environmental superiority and consumption. After a certain point then, the spending on decline dominates as individuals prefer enhancements in environment quality over further consumption and environmental superiority starts to progress in conjunction with economic growth.

Below is the Environmental Kuznets Curve which show the relationship between various pointers of environmental degradation and per capita income. Environmental crisis that are either predictable or unexpected have greatly been influenced by economic production. However, the poor countries are affected more by such crisis as compared to the developed countries which have new advanced technologies which enables them to curb such crises from occurring or reducing them Todaro et al, Production sector contribute to such environmental crises through pollution and environmental degradation. The main effect of environmental pollution is change of climate. As predicted by the climate models, most middle east countries are likely to suffer in future due to climate changes.

Global warming which is contributed by the destruction of the ozone layer has caused great climate changes. Global warming is due to the pollution of the atmosphere through the greenhouse effects and emission of harmful products the atmosphere Todaro et al, It leads to desertification that has made the land degraded and not suitable for living as well as the destruction of human resources hence limiting production. In the end, climate changes would have adverse effects to the economy. Environmental pollution lead to degradation of air and water. The main cause of polluted water as terrestrial run-off to in-shore water that occurs in many coastal locations. Degraded air is because of air pollution by emission of harmful gasses of the economic system to the atmosphere Todaro et al, Such gasses affect the health of individual as it ruins the fresh air that is needed for life.

Polluted water will therefore, mean scarcity of fresh water which then contribute to the health problems because of inadequate sanitation and water shortages. Deforestation is another factor that has contributed to the environmental crisis. It involves cutting down of trees without replacing them planting. Deforestation destroys the home of wild animals as well as destroying the dependents that exist in the environment Todaro et al, Animals would depend on plants for clean air and assimilation of the harmful waste products but with absence of forest, it would negatively affect the environment. Felling of trees with the aim of acquiring natural resources as well contribute to climate changes such as no rains and land degradation through soil erosion.

With change in climate, there is failure in farming productivity and reduced per capita food production leading to hunger because of the population pressure of marginal land. Furthermore, the lives of many plants and animals have been threatened to extinction due to spread of diseases caused by environmental crises. This is termed as bio adversity where animals and plants are subject to the conditions that they cannot sustain life. For example, depositing of harmful waste products to water which gives threats to marine life.

Some harmful waste products affect the soil hence influencing growth of some species. This as well could cause health effects to the consumers of the farm products. Another environmental crisis is stimulated by urbanization. Social and environmental factors such as overcrowding, congestion, pollution, public health issues, inadequate sanitation affect the environment Katsoulakos et al, Pollution growth in the rural areas has force many people to migrate to urban areas where they cause congestion due to increased number of people. Regions with high populations are associated with poor and polluted environment. Rapid population growth and expanding economic activities damages the environment unless measures are put in place to mitigate its negative effects.

Third world countries face more poverty compared to the developed countries. However, the poor are likely to suffer more from environmental crisis caused by economic activities Todaro et al, Land degradation from production would therefore mean that the poor have no choice than to live on the degraded unproductive land that is left. Moreover, the poor have no power to reduce pollution on where they live and by living on polluted land they have less land to work out of their poverty. The only way out to help the poor in this case is to prevent environmental degradation. Solving environmental degradation means having sustainable environment.

Several measures can be put in place to solve to ensure environmental sustainability. There is therefore a need to protect the environment so as to maintain its relationship with the economy. The first measure is the use of SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals which include climate, ocean, land, and responsible consumption and production and many more Katsoulakos et al, The economist in production sectors such as industries should use the SDGs as the checklist of their industrial projects to ensure that they do not cause negative impacts to the environment.

This will therefore help to reduce the intention of environmental pollution by industries. SDGs does a great job in integrating the economic, social and environmental dimensions of development. Continuous monitoring of industrial development has to be enhanced in order to have an environmental development. This will help to minimize environmental harm through pollution.

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