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Essay about crimes

Essay about crimes

Review by: Edgars Hi, essay about crimes, Sara. Doing mistakes is not a crime, but not learning from it can be a crime by: Anonymous Doing mistakes is not a crime, but not learning from it can be a crime. Jan 26, excellent by: Anonymous I agree for what is being said we need to protect the society and our families against crime. Young children are especially vulnerable to this desire, and they wish to belong essay about crimes a complete family. In some areas of the US, a curfew is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult.

Types Of Inchoate Crimes

Home » IELTS BAND 9 ESSAYS » Band 9 sample essay about crime. Crime is a big problem in the world; many believe that nothing can be done to prevent it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion. Crime essay about crimes unquestionably one of the most prevailing and worrying aspects in any society, and its essay about crimes should be taken seriously. Crime prevention can be executed in various ways, essay about crimes, firstly through a sustained honest presence in the community and secondly through international cooperation. A local presence by incorruptible law enforcement authorities may be costly, however, the long-term investment would pay dividends in the future.

A safer region would encourage trade, essay about crimes, investment and set an invaluable example for younger generations. For example, crime has dramatically been reduced in the Favelas around Rio de Essay about crimes in Brazil. This was achieved largely through the government committing large funds of money to stationing police headquarters in and around the slums. These financial expenditures greatly benefited the community. Secondly, due to the large-scale severity and the global impact that crime has in some areas of the world, global cooperation is critical, essay about crimes. Operating in a different way would incur significant financial losses and render any expenditure futile.

For example, Somalian pirates in Africa have reigned terror amongst many ocean transport companies in the area. Only through large-scale international cooperation was policing the area possible, essay about crimes. Therefore, essay about crimes reduction can be attributed to a joint effort between countries. To conclude, illegal activities are a costly and dangerous fact in the present global economy; however, through large-scale government investment prevention is an attainable goal. For a model band 9 IELTS writing sample, click here, essay about crimes. For a FREE ebook of our top 10 sample task 2 essays, click here! For more help with your IELTS task 2 preparation, take a look at our tutorials to help prepare for the IELTS exam:. IELTS Exam IELTS General IELTS Academic IELTS Band Scores IELTS Results Benefits of IELTS IELTS Indicator Test How long does it take to prepare?

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Band 9 sample essay about crime. Claim your free IELTS Materials. IELTS Vocabulary Task 2 Sample Questions AT 1 Questions About Us. Copyright - - BW English Services Ltd. Privacy Policy, essay about crimes.

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So, they can make their future better by gaining vast amount of knowledge and experiences from the study institutions. However, governments should also create more jobs related to all fields such as in the factories, where even illiterate people can work and earn some amount of money. Last but not least, criminals should be penalized with stringent punishments which can set an example in front of others and force them to avoid to choosing paths of crime. In conclusion, though crime is increasing at alarming rate, owing to the lack of job opportunities and poverty. But I think governments may solve this by providing some facilities and enacting the laws. Click here to post comments. In some areas of the US, a curfew is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult.

What is your opinion about this? Most of the illegal activities happen at night and by imposing curfew, US government wanted to stop teenagers to get involved or get harmed by such lawless acts. Increased drug addiction and kidnapping cases have compelled the government to take such stern action. This essay will discuss that how this decision of imposing the curfew is favorable to youth and how will it impact the life of teenagers. First, cocaine is the common problem among the American youth and US government wants to save youth from this life-threatening addiction. It has been seen that teenagers go to pubs and other places to get the drugs at night.

To stop the involvement of the youth, US government has imposed curfew and asked the adults to go out with their kids in the night so that they do not get involved in any activity related to drug addiction. Second, kidnapping activities were increasing in these neighborhoods and gangs were kidnapping the teenagers for ransom. It was impossible for the police to follow every teenager even after making special patrolling batches. Looking at the scenario, Senior government officials have decided to impose curfew in few areas to control the situation. When there are no unsolicited teenagers outside their home, there will be less chance to perform an act of kidnapping.

So, this Curfew not only will help the police to control the crime in these Areas but also save the lives of teenagers. In summary, teenagers are the backbone of economy and future of a country, therefore it is important to save them from bad habits and bad people. The decision to impose a curfew was good and in the favor of youth. I know that's not academic language, but it's the truth! View the eBooks. This IELTS map practice exercise improves your skills in the language of location for maps. Choose the correct word to fit in the gap. You are living in a University residence, and you have a problem with the high levels of noise from a new campus restaurant which is open until midnight.

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IELTS is a registered trademark of University of Cambridge, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. This site and its owners are not affiliated, approved or endorsed by the University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. Home Writing Speaking Reading Listening Lessons Tests Blog. Crime Essays by Ali Iran. Mar 08, Very good Crime Essays by: Anonymous Very good. Mar 19, Excellent by: Anonymous Excellent. Apr 12, turtle porn by: Anonymous very very very very gooooooooooooooooood. Sep 26, superbbb Crime Essay by: jaani Superrb. Oct 13, The best Crime Essays by: Nasma Superbbbb. It's cool. Helped me a lot. Jan 26, excellent by: Anonymous I agree for what is being said we need to protect the society and our families against crime. Apr 08, GREATTTTT!!!!!

by: KillerHuller It's great but there's one mistake. Anyway It's great. Jul 10, Some queries about Crime Essays by: Alpine witch Very nicely written but if my understanding is correct: Shouldn't there be three parts to the discussion? First part dealing with people's view on How more efforts should be made to counteract the rising crime rate, a second part addressing how and why others believe not much can be done in this regard and a third part dealing with the writers views. I see you've only discussed the solutions, I can't tell what promoted you to do so from looking at the statement to provide those I'm still trying to get a hang of it. In my opinion one is required to provide a simple two way view over the issue.

Also I dont see a paraphrased introduction, and what your essay will be dealing with. Can that be skipped? Sep 05, stop crime by: pooja Crime spoils your families name and reputation so stop crime and about your family. Oct 14, superb Crime Essay by: yashwanth Thanks it helped me in debate competition. Dec 14, Good by: Anonymous Good. Feb 09, L by: Anonymous Wow. Mar 27, Excellent Crime Essay by: Anonymous Superb job. May 24, Increase of crime by: Anonymous Just awesome. Jun 01, Grammar mistake by: Anonymous Well written but I have sported one grammar mistake. It should be be "in my mind and not "to my mind".

Jun 26, Revised Format by: Anonymous Many people are too scared to leave their home because of a fear of crime. The everincreasing number of crime rates is alarming and a cause of concern for many, the world over. While some people demand effective measures to curb crime, others maintain that crime cannot be stopped. This essay discusses both the views and arrives at an opinion. To begin with, there is a widespread belief among many that little can be done to contain crime. They argue that when poverty and the widening gap between the rich and the poor are prevalent in many nations,it is literally impossible to stop criminal offences. In actual fact, crime derives from social anarchy and disequilibrium in the society. Countries like Libiya and Somalia are classic examples for this, where the society is in complete disarray.

As such, it is irrational to assume that crime can be contained. However, the call to develop new strategies to prevent crime is gaining ground around the globe. One of the measures is installing surveillance cameras on every major street. This will help the police to monitor unusual activities and plan a prompt response to any negative incidents. In addition, increasing the number of police personnel would also serve the purpose. This will help to deploy more forces and ensures regular night patrolling of the neighborhood. Implementation of these strategies seem to be a great idea to curtail crime. In conclusion, pessimists maintain that crime cannot be controlled as long as poverty is prevalent.

However, I believe that crime can be limited with the aid of strict surveillance and an increase in police scrutiny of the localities with additional deployment of forces. It is hoped that one day the world will become crime free and everyone will live without fear, though it seems very much like an utopian dream. Jun 26, Crime Essays - Revised Format by: Anonymous Many people are too scared to leave their home because of a fear of crime. Sep 20, It help me a lot by: Anonymous. Aug 25, The other Side of the Argument by: Gordon In every argument there exist premises that are presumed to be true and those premises are basically a plank that each arguer stands upon opposing ends of hoping to balance the plank upon the fulcrum of their opinions of morality.

It is impossible to win an argument that seeks only a balance of ideas and this discussion about crime is one such argument. Let's examine the premise that "crime is the evil" societies must contend with. Are we saying that crime is a living breathing thing that is waiting to pounce upon us? We must see that crime is only the side effect of an individual's inability to function civilly in a society. It is in this light that we can see that our attention should be focused on the living breathing individual and not on the effect of crime. But therein lies the true problem. We, as a people, don't really give a damn about one another. We only care about getting our own way and we don't care if this costs other people their livelihoods or their lives.

Let's be honest in our debate on crime and accept our role in the definition of "Criminal". Get off the damned teeter-totter of moral arguments and let's talk about why we despise each other so much. Sep 19, Writing task 2 by: HITESH Please anyone explain this information because i have no idea with this statement Hwo ex-criminal can educate about crime's dire consequences to children. Why do you agree or disagree with statement Please give someone ideas Thank u. Jan 09, Nice essay. by: Noobmaster69 Thanks for essay. Helped me a lot in my homework. Violent Crime and Youngsters by Sara Recent figures show an increase in violent crime among youngsters under the age of Dec 07, Review by: Edgars Hi, Sara. I assume that you are from Canada.

I reviewed your essay and found several grammatical mistakes. First, I will write down every mistake that I found. I am not an English teacher and English is not my first language, but as much as I have read in English, those following details seemed incorrect. Capitalized words is the way I would write. how to successfully graduate school. once the cirtumstanceS.. teachers and parents MAKE people at.. thera are several resources.. learning for AND adult.. WHICH is the famous.. dealing with seconadary SCHOOL students, WHILE criminal BEHAVIOUR HAS reached..

problem is difficult to SOLVE without.. of crime AND violence among.. teach them in inspirational and friendly METHOD. However, in second paragraph, "first of all" should begin the paragraph, otherwise the first sentence does not make sense. I think you should avoid using word HATE. I would also suggest to look up for some synonyms for young adult, children, 18 year old. Thanks for reviewing my essay. Dec 07, reply for your comment by: Sara Thank you for checking my essay, and your comments are absolutely true, but it is difficult to notice them when you are writing quickly. How about my coherence and cohesive? I am asking you this question because I always have troubles with them.

Also, if you did the exam and score 7 in writing, please give me some advices in practicing and for my writing to reach this score? Thanks a lot. Dec 11, Youth crime by: P! n0y The topic of the proliferation of juvenile criminal acts and its reasons has been a contentious issue, since the inception of the modern age. Although parents and teachers play a crucial role, it must not to be forgotten that the government should also play their part. This essay will examine both views. To begin, since parents are the initial role model for a child, they hold the vital aspect in inculcating values which will guide the child through life. On the other hand, I think that people really commit crimes due to a combination of different reasons, and that the best explanations for their behaviors comes from the mixed perspectives offered by biological and psychological theories.

With that being said, each of these theories for why people commit crime on their own, are also a bit of a stretch. For one, biological theory blames people committing crimes solely on the genetic, biochemical, or neurological problems that they inherited in their gene pool through birth Rawlins, Likewise, psychological theory says that personality imbalances that arise through problems that occur during childhood Rawlins, Although each of these seems to offer valid explanations for criminal behavior, often times when they are used just by themselves they appear to be offering more of an excuse for why most people commit crimes rather than explaining the full picture of why they take place.

Under these positivist theories, all of the blame is basically take off of the individual who commits the crime and placed either on society or biology Samaha,. Instead, I strongly believe that people commit crimes for a whole host of different reasons and that each of these theories comes into play in some way, shape or form. Ultimately, biology and psychology may certainly play a big role in leading people towards a life of crime, and the sociological environment of people can put them in situations where they are even more likely to act on those biological and psychological roots that they possess.

However, there still is the action itself, which in many ways is still best explained through classical theories on why people commit crimes. Essays about crime are sensitive, and thus we have come up with professionally handpicked prompts to set the ball rolling for you. When tasked with a crime essay, do not get yourself all worked up. Instead, use our guru writing prompts or better still, ask for our professional custom writing help. We will be glad to help you come up with a top-grade paper! Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content Blog. Crime And Punishment Essay Sample Under classical theories of criminal justice, people commit crimes when there is a lack of proper or sufficient punishments or deterrents in place Rawlins, Here is a list of questions that can help generate a few ideas:.

Crime and punishment questions can help one in brainstorming, and as a result, they help in the development of a topic and ideas on the subject. The ideas on crime and punishment form a critical part of the content that one develops to help in formulating a proper topic as well as a coherent essay. If you need best essay writer expert help in writing your essay and assignment, contact us today! There are no…. Even while a primary school pupils children are sometimes…. It is often difficult to choose the exact topic since….

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