Should the voting age be lowered to 16 essay
It was surprising how many reasons they gave to support their views and content that they included common opposing arguments. Academic level:. Our professional writers work day and night to ensure that you receive quality essays on time without any delay or interruption. The most common examples of these are the responsibilities of joining the armed forces, raising a family and paying tax, the argument being that if you can die for your country, get married and pay tax, you should have the right to indicate your feelings to the government. The Electoral Reform Society Why should discriminatory laws mean that uner 18s cannot vote, when these laws in of themselves are justified by the inability to vote, should the voting age be lowered to 16 essay.
26th Amendment to the Constitution, was quickly passed during the height of the Vietnam
Voting refers to the process of making collective decisions and expressing opinions in a meeting or a group after discussions, debates and election campaigns. Voting is a responsibility and a right for every individual in a country with democratic political structures. The voting process facilitates choice and preference expression in the search for individual interests. The practice also helps citizens to participate actively in their societies without manipulation or dictatorship. In most nations, the age acceptable for a person to participate in the elections is 18 years. However, age bracket has become a serious issue in some nations, with some claiming they should raise the minimum voting years.
On the contrary, others feel that raising the voting years will violate the democratic rights of teenagers to participate in elections. In the United States, where the minimum voting age is 18 years, should the voting age be lowered to 16 essay, the voting age is gaining momentum as controversies erupt, with some members claiming that the voting years should increase. In contrast, others suggest that the voting years should be lowered to 16 years Wagner et al. Although other people are defensive on reducing the voting years in the United States, the minimum voting age should be raised since citizens aged 16 and 18 years have little essential political knowledge, cognitive capacity, life experience and independence. Voting is a critical civic duty that should be undertaken by individuals to elect their preferred leaders who can create opportunities for wealth creation.
During any election, politicians and civic educators emphasize the importance of voting and outline the benefits that accrue when citizens participate in the democratic exercise. Even though many individuals are aware about the significance of voting, a large section of the American population disregard its importance due to the emergence of various perceptions that hinder their focus towards life and other elements of society. However, a lot of focus is directed towards the Presidential elections because of its accumulated interests that influence the overall perspectives of individuals towards the voting process.
Likewise, the minimum voting age has become a contentious issue because of the different positions adopted by individuals regarding the best approach that can be used to accomplish desired outcomes. This literature review will provide an history of voting to expose individuals to an environment where they can appreciate the strides that have been made to securing this freedom. In the same vein, this section will provide a list of the advantages associated with raising the minimum age, as opposed to lowering it. It will also highlight the negative impact of the move on American democracy. Unlike today where persons above 18 years can vote, it was not a default right to every American in the medieval world. Women and young people were outlawed by previous regimes that relied heavily on certain sections within the constitutional framework to implement their interests.
In its original form, the U. Constitution did not specify who could vote and who could not, a move that provided the states with an opportunity to undermine women, African-Americans, and other vulnerable groups by barring them from voting. However, the U. Constitution had a clear guideline that stipulated the voting patterns and the entire process, which should be used to oversee the American elections. Today, the conversation on who should be allowed to vote has resumed and now targets the young people, whom are believed to lack the capacity to make informed voting decisions. Proponents of raising the minimum voting age argue believe that reviewing the limit will provide young people with an opportunity to make informed decisions during the voting process.
Many of the young people are mostly apolitical and usually uninterested in political conversations and as such, any forward-thinking politician can mislead them into voting for their preferred candidate who might not be the best option for the country Peto, Unlike adults who can make informed decisions without yielding to any external pressure, young people can be easily convinced and persuaded to make the wrong choices. Instead, the country should focus on developing policies that encourage more individuals to participate in the voting process. However, existing studies have recommended raising the minimum age limit to create an opportunity where the country should the voting age be lowered to 16 essay free from any rushed decisions.
At the same time, raising the minimum voting limit will create a smooth transition for the population group to step out of their comfort zone and make informed decisions due to their exposure to adult expectations and experiences. Therefore, adjusting the minimum voting age is viewed as a potentially rewarding decision that can protect the country from misinformation. Young people are supposed to learn by being involved in actual decisions that have a huge impact on their future. Neglecting their willingness to learn through voting participation poses a societal problem where they might lose interest to elect their preferred leaders when they become of age.
It should be noted that should the voting age be lowered to 16 essay current generation of young people is more informed due to the increased access to information, which has been facilitated by the emergence of innovative communication platforms and the internet, should the voting age be lowered to 16 essay. Regardless of the decision that will made on the topical issue, policymakers should consider the views of the young people by creating an enabling environment that encourages them to voice their concerns. Importantly, the approach of amending the minimum voting age limit should not be guided by a desire to undermine the position of the young people in the American context.
From this observation, young people in the modern world are capable of making informed decisions because of their constant exposure to voting information, which influences their perspectives towards life and other aspects of society. Besides, raising the voting age limit will not only discourage young people from participating in the voting process but will also affect the overall voter turnout because of the hardliner positions adopted by individuals either in support or against the proposed changes. In conclusion, voting is an essential practice in society since it determines the policies and guiding principles in a nation.
The voting process requires consciousness from the participants of the election to ensure that they are responsible for their decisions. The minimum voting age of many nations, including the United States, is 18 years, increasing, should the voting age be lowered to 16 essay. A lower voting age would allow the youths to exercise their voting rights and facilitate their national political representation. However, a lower age would allow voting participants who have insufficient political knowledge and little cognitive ability, limiting their ability to make an informed choice.
It is, therefore, necessary to should the voting age be lowered to 16 essay the minimum voting age from 18 to a higher age to allow for the participation of people with informed judgment hence preventing manipulation from other people. Oosterhoff, B. Reconsidering the Minimum Voting Age in the United States. Peto, T. Why the voting age should be lowered to Wagner, M. Voting at Turnout and the quality of vote choice. Electoral Studies31 2 Whitehead, A. Make America Christian again: Should the voting age be lowered to 16 essay nationalism and voting for Donald Trump in the presidential election.
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Why America Should Raise Her Voting Age Voting refers to the process of making collective decisions and expressing opinions in a meeting or a group after discussions, debates and election campaigns. Literature Review Preface Voting is a critical civic duty that should be undertaken by individuals to elect their preferred leaders who can create opportunities for wealth creation. Historical Background Unlike today where persons above 18 years can vote, it was not a default right to every American in the medieval world. Pros Proponents of raising the minimum voting age argue believe that reviewing the limit will provide young people with an opportunity to make informed decisions during the voting process. Cons Young people are supposed to learn by being involved in actual decisions that have a huge impact on their future.
Conclusion In conclusion, voting is an essential practice in society since it determines the policies and guiding principles in a nation. References Oosterhoff, B. Calculate your paper price. Type of paper. Academic level. Why Essay-writing. Try it now! Calculate the price of your order Type of paper needed:. You will get a personal manager and a discount. Academic level:. Total price:. How it works? Follow these simple steps to get your paper done Place your order Fill in the order form and provide all details of your assignment. Proceed with the payment Choose the payment system that suits you most. Receive the final file Once your paper is ready, should the voting age be lowered to 16 essay, we will email it to you.
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An example of where they used ethos to help their claim is when they quote a college professor, ” A survey by Bruce Merrill, an Arizona State University journalism professor, found a strong increase in turnout. Merrill compared turnout of registered voters in five cities with Kids Voting with turnout in five cities without the program. Merrill found that between five and ten percent of respondents reported Kids Voting was a factor in their decision to vote. This indicated that , adults nationwide were encouraged to vote by the program.
Pathos also seemed absent in this article, but as I said before, was unnecessary, since they were trying to achieve a logical, complete argument that would be hard to undermine and easy to convince an audience. This is an effective way of convincing an audience without taking the easy way out, as many do, by appealing to just their emotions. Another common, easy way authors use to make their arguments is making unstated assumptions, which are easier to derail and also sort of the lazy way out, there are more dignified ways of making a solid claim, that won’t be rebuttaled so quickly. Unstated assumptions is another tactic the author of the ‘Top Ten Reasons for Lowering the Voting Age’ did not include, which makes their article that much better, because as stated earlier, others aren’t so quick to rebuttal against them, since unstated assumptions don’t include real, legitmate reasons for their warrant and argument.
The second article, ‘Don’t Drop the Voting Age,’ is from a Canadian online magazine that covers all kinds of topics, by Robyn Urback. Her opinion is quite clear from the beginning of the article, when she begins with an imagination, “In this fantasyland, the Liberals are running on a strong platform of increased Justin Bieber performances, while the Conservatives are trailing with their “More School Dances” five-year-plan. The NDP’s “We’ll Talk to your Mom about Extending your Curfew” promise, however, hasn’t really taken off.
Her tone throughout this whole article, as shown in many quotes, shows that she does not take teens, even children, very seriously, she seems to look at the whole idea of lowering the voting age as a joke, and a sarcastic tone shines through in her writing often as well. She also compares B. Liberal leadership candidate Mike de Jong’s idea that year-olds should be able to vote in provincial elections because it will create a “culture of engagement” by getting young people to the polls early, to giving out opsicles at polling stations. It becomes ovious very quickly in her article that she is quite biased, and it seems that her clouded, close-minded judgment influences her ability to convince her audience and provide a solid argument for her claim in the beginning of her article.
That being said, she still provides her audience with appeals to logos, ethos, and pathos, and tries to include many outside sources as well as remain more unbiased after her immature comments in the preface of her article. She continues on, “While extending the vote to and year-olds would spectacularly increase turnout in the newly-formed “Under 18” category, the relative numbers will be just as abysmal as for those aged In fact, they would probably be worse. Statistics show that voter turnout increases with age, even within the category. So if those trends are any indication, year-olds would likely have the worst showing of all. She begins this quote by using logic, that lowering the voting age would increase turnout in the under 18 category, stating the obvious, but says that they wouldnt be much different from the turnout for the category.
All very true, but how does she know that the number for those under eighteen wouldn’t be any different from those ages 18 to 24? In reality, she doesn’t, she is making an unstated assumption, which has no actual backing or evidence, and therefore does not help her argument at all, it really ruins it because all she did was provide us with her personal opinion and ideas, which does not help to convince us well. She does appeal to ethos in this quote, by including that statistics although she does include where they came from show that voting increases with age. If that statement is true, and proven by statistics, then wouldn’t lowering the voting age to 16 help the age group increase? She did not include that point, which is surprising considering it seems like a very good one, but it is obviously because this would again derail her previous argument that lowering the voting age would not help anything.
The author goes on to talk about the implications of a sixteen year old voting if they were “bribed by their parents, or by a stroke of luck” they voted, what knowledge would they have on what they’d be voting for? She makes a logical point to help this claim, “With few more than 14 years out of diapers, the newly-authorized voters would have little life experience from which to draw political conclusions or cast an informed vote. On the other hand though, being uninformed does not negate one’s right to vote. Even when individuals are back in diapers, they can still cast a ballot, despite their perhaps eroding reasoning abilities. Of course, not all year-olds have lost their wits, whereas no year-old can remember, for example, the tax-happy premier that hijacked the province two terms ago.
She also touches on the fact that teens are easily influenced, “There have been countless studies affirming just how susceptible high school students are to outside influence– and just count the number of Canada Goose brand winter jackets you see on teens next time you’re in a mall if you have any doubts. Politics would become an even dirtier game. Obviously, they aren’t, and she has no real, factual proof that they are influenced the way she says they are. She ends her article with the statement, “Sixteen-year-olds should not be voting on that in which they have little stake, particularly during those formative years when “relativism” is just a word on an English pop quiz.
She included plenty of pathos throughout this article, with snide comments towards children, teens, and even the elderly, she made it very obvious, and she did not try to leave out her own personal emotions and disdain for lowering the voting age at all in her article. It is astonishing that she included so much of her personal opinions and emotions, because that does not help in convincing her audience to believe what she believes, unless they already feel the same way as she does on the subject. Ring on the prestigious school of Massachusett’s Institute of Technology oldest online newspaper.
He begins his article with the idea that both proposals to help lower he voting age at Cambridge City Council “Must be rejected. He also states that, “The protests of bitter, whining students over the new Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System MCAS tests demonstrate that many teens are not yet mature enough to participate in the political process. It is quite obvious from the beginning of this particular article what Michael J. Ring’s intent and opinion on the matter of lowering the voting age is, he feels very similarly about it as did Robyn Urback in her article I mentioned earlier, ‘Don’t Drop the Voting Age.
He cares a lot about the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System tests, and feels that adolescents don’t. He pretty much compares teens to what sounds like a storm, ‘wreaking havoc’ and such. He makes a logical point when he states that, “Certainly, many year-olds demonstrate the maturity that should be required of a voter, but undoubtedly many of their peers do not. I could think of many adults with the maturity of a teenager, which makes teens not much different. He makes another point by using appeal to logos, “Councillors argue that engaging teens in the political process before they leave for college will allow them to become knowledgeable about hometown politics and form a voting habit before leaving for college… Any young voter away at college can easily follow hometown happenings with a little initiative.
Obvious, but true point Michael J. He makes a terrible unstated assumption when he says, “Allowing non-citizens to vote creates the same problem that allowing year-olds to vote would create. Granting the franchise to non-citizens injects a pool of voters who have no obligation to learn about our political institutions into the electorate. Surprising that an author pulished in such an esteemed school’s online newspaper would make such a frivilous mistake. At Myhomeworkwriters. As such, we never compromise o the quality of our homework services.
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Our pricing system generates quotations based on the properties of individual papers. My Homework Writers guarantees all students of swift delivery of papers. We understand that time is an essential factor in the academic world. Therefore, we ensure that we deliver the paper on or before the agreed date to give students ample time for reviewing. com maintains a zero-plagiarism policy in all papers. The line has to be drawn somewhere. If the voting age was reduced to 16, could we then expect to hear cries for allowing year-olds the vote? It is, therefore, a sensible age at which to draw the line for UK elections.
A line has to be drawn somewhere, but 18 is not that age. A year-old is likely to be well aware of the effect a government will have on their education and work prospects. They can pay tax. They can join the armed forces. They can raise children. A year-old has just as much interest in who governs the country as any other person. Does it really matter what the voting age is in other countries? This could even be an opportunity to take a lead and to inspire other nations to follow in our footsteps. Inaddition, why should the fact that a year old may be able to vote shock us, we trust children every day.
Children as young as 13 can be trusted to handle rifles with live ammunition in the combined cadet force. But, they are institually irrational because of their date of birth until their 18th birthday. Finally, while VAT is indeed paid by anyone, this is clearly different to direct contributions to national insurance and jobseekers allowance paid by those over the age of The Electoral Reform Society Why should discriminatory laws mean that uner 18s cannot vote, when these laws in of themselves are justified by the inability to vote.
How about the taxation on gas, food, and all of that without representation? Which by the way heavily affects the gas prices. They have a right to vote! There will be higher voting turnout. They can even learn about voting in school which I think they already do , and they can do some research about it themselves! I think yes because when you are 16 years old, you are old enough to know that which one should you vote, even if you did not get it at the end, but when you are 16, you know which one, and i think that teens have knowledge too, they have the ability to vote. Want to give 16 year olds the right to vote…. if they are old enough to comprehend what the right to vote means, then they are old enough to comprehend their actions and be tried as an adult when they break the law and be incarcerated with adults…juvenile offenders only under the age If a teenager doesn´t care about an election, that doesn´t mean that they shouldn´t be allowed to vote.
The teenagers who don´t care about election will not vote, and that is their personal choice. But there are also adolescants who DO care about their country. Having people who don´t care about the country not vote does not affect the country in any way,. It might just end this big debate. But 17 gives me more time to learn rather than And it also gives me an earlier chance than I think if citizens can show a fair ammount of understanding of politics they should be aloud to vote regardless of age, but the people that decided the voting age should be 18 had thought it out very carefully and likely took all of these things into consideration.
I may agree with you though if you can explain in depth the way that a 17 year old is mature enough to vote based on a fair ammount of evidence. Yes the voting ages should be lowered as the child these days, are already getting the practice of elections in their school. They vote for the head boy, head girl, sports captain, etc. They even become mature enough to actually elect their leaders. As a sixteen year old I do not think we should lower the voting age to sixteen because we are not aware enough of our surroundings. However if you noticed some of the arguments above, people mentioned that if the government decided to lower it, students at sixteen would obviously be educated more about it, perhaps even have politics as a GCSE choice.
If that was the case, it would benefit everyone. My valid argument…I said No, because if a person commits a crime age 18 and older they are tried as an adult, because anyone under 18 is a child in the courts eyes. We cannot allow children to make decisions that could potentially harm their future, because they are not of age to take full responsibility for their actions. I personally think teens should be able to vote with parent permission. This would parallel with the other things teens can do at this age, i. getting married, joining the army, etc…. I personally think that year-olds should be allowed to vote, as it builds confidence and it gives the coming generation a chance to have a say in what their future will look like.
Many people are unwilling to vote, but starting this practice at an early age will help in developing a steady habit and therefore, they will be less likely to resent voting. Many people say that year-olds are irresponsible, but there will always be the few people who refuse to grow up. Yes because year-olds should have the rights to vote. They are old enough to know what is right from wrong!! Heck I am younger than sixteen and I am way more matured than the common misconception for people under eighteen years old. Not every teenager is exactly the same, and they should have a chance to decide what they want their future to be like. Besides, there are no wrong votes. It is all a matter of personal opinion, and the only reason why sixteen-year-olds cannot vote is because other people think that their opinions are incorrect.
I believe the voting age should be lowered to sixteen. Here is why: teenagers, as we know, are more adoptable to change than adults. Therefore, they are more understanding and are more likely to chose what they think is right, not just choosing the party that they voted for in the last election. Teenagers—if they were given a chance to vote—would actually take it seriously. If they got the right to have a say in what country they want to live in, they would do their research and take an interest in politics and vote for what they think is best for the country. Although they have yet to face many adult deeds such as owning a house, raising children, having an important job, etc. With the internet nowadays, they have the opportunity to hear what others that may be far away from them have to say.
Because they are young, they have not formed many ideas on how a perfect government would be like yet, so they would have to engage in politics to be able to cast their vote. They would listen to other people and what they have to say, unlike most adults who have a fixed mindset on what they want for themselves and do not care what anyone else wants. Everyone who is reading this please stay alive for today. You are amazing. The voting age should be kept at Not to mention that people almost five years younger than I got to start voting the same year I did. Anyone who experienced that as I did should be against a lower voting age.
It all gives me a strong conviction that lowering the voting age should be a once-in-my-lifetime thing. Absolutely not, these are the same stupid people that let their kids run loose and do things that end up getting them killed. Their brain is not fully developed and it shows in many of the stupid things they do. There are many that have common sense but they should learn all there is about our government and how it works, before being sent into the voting booth. Not just what they see on TV and what their narrow minded hypocritical parents tell them. Voters should always know both sides of bill, candidate, election, they are just not capable of being that informed or care.
Why do we have to make our children grow up any faster than they do. Let them be kids for the few years they have. They want to have a say in the world that they are inheriting. People my age should be allowed to vote. the majority of people who voted for brexit were the older generations, this wont impact them as much as it will for my generation! Voting is not more important than making choices like creating a life for you to care for. Unscrupulous politicians are preying on the youngsters idealistic outlook to change governments and policies to suit their own ends. No responsible parent would give them that authority in their own home.
As a retired tradesman I would never allow a young apprentice to make major decisions on a job so I dont want children deciding the future of the country until they have some understanding of whats involved. But being still in school and under the influence of teachers and parents they actually are more involved then people give then credit for. I know many teens who are very politically involved and actually care about the fate of our country and world, these teens care more than a lot of adults I know. And there is a simple reason for that. Teens are going to have to live longer with the consequences of their actions. You sir, being retired probably are over 60, and lets face it, are only going to live on this earth for another 20, years 30 at best.
Teens are going to have to deal with the changes you make for the rest of their live which if they are 16 or 17, is a very long time. So we should let them have a say in what they are going to grow up in, and some day, control. I have ab16 year old daughter and I asked her about this topic. She does follow politics but does not think 16 or 17 year olds are ready yet to vote. if you want 16 year old to be able to vote, the same people who are more prone to peer pressure, mostly looks at everything at face value then also give them control over himself, let them be legal adults over them self for which their parents have no legal control over them. let them start paying taxes if they have a job, and if they dont let them file for unemployment.
The only reason more people voted yes is because younger people have more time on their hands and they visit websites like debatewise. I mean, what harm is going to do. What if the state or government made a test where all potential voters had to answer questions on the candidates stands and what some of the important current laws are? That would be very interesting, I have a feeling a lot of people of all ages would actually know very little! I think the government can definetly come up with abstract test questions meant to test citizens understanding of politics. We can try to avoid biased questions by making them as fact based as possible, or possibly having each party agree upon themselves their general view on each question and, have citizens Summarize it to the best of their abilities.
The generalisation that some of the people give 16 year olds on here is absolute rubbish. And most kids, except celebrities, can not get a decent job leaving school at , support themselves or raise a child on their own. Either family helps or they become dependent on government services. How is that mature. Sorry, you are one in 10, that care. There are many adults that have a college education that have no clue who is on the money they spend everyday. How many amendments to the constitution, how many members are in congress, how it is decided, how many yrs does a member of the HOR serve, a senator, a president and on and on.
Would not judge others by yourselves, just insulting yourself, 1 in that 10, might be able to answer two of the above questions and probably less on those over if they are mature enough to be tested for their License, then they should have the right to vote. Lowering the voting is a smart thing to do because, not only does it give them a chance to get involved, it helps them Grow up. Then the parents should not trust the school system to teach their child about the government!!! I agree with your statement. All the Yes points: They deserve to have a say. YES, give them the rights they deserve! Turnout Where to draw the line? Yes because…. No because…. Notify of. new follow-up comments new replies to my comments.
newest oldest most voted. Inline Feedbacks. Reply to Um Everyone who disliked this comment are probably over 18, lol. Jeffery Janruary. Reply to Outofthebox.